Monger Musings 008

Let’s talk shop, baby! It’s been a few weeks since we’ve opened Catboat Coffee Co. with our “regular” hours. I put “regular” in quotation marks because we are still adding to our schedule every few weeks. And we are still adding things to the menu and items to the shelves every few days! Still not sure exactly when we will go live with the cut-to-order cheese case, but it’s getting very close. I can feeeeeeel it.

A photo of the Personal Grazing Box from Martha's Vineyard Cheesery. Three types of cheese, one charcuterie, fresh and dried fruit, pickles, olives, and nuts. Over 6oz of cheese, plus all the accompaniments!
A Personal Grazing Box, this one featuring all New England farmstead raw milk cheeses!

In the meantime, I’ve been having fun curating the Personal Grazing Boxes, which we’ve been affectionately referring to as “PGBs”. I’ve also been referring to the PGBs as “vehicles for discovery” – I hope these little boxes provide and affordable and approachable opportunity to experience a new cheese! Totally in line with my mission of “good cheese in as many mouths as possible”. It’s also been a good way to explore which cheeses I can get from which distributors and which I can get directly from the farms. It’s all going to be a bit of trial and error for a while, and that’s ok! We are tasting a lot of cheese and we are learning!

And now, for the links…

🧀 Catboat Coffee Co. was featured in BOTH the island newspapers this past week, the Vineyard Gazette and the Martha’s Vineyard Times. Online AND in print! How amazing is that? We feel so welcomed and supported by the community, it’s awesome. (Vineyard Gazette and MV Times)

🧀 Not everyone has 11 minutes to spend watching a video about America’s Secret Underground Cheese Bunkers, but I prioritized it and I’m sure glad I did! (The Fat Electrician on Youtube)

🧀 My pal Josie is the Digital and Social Media Editor for Culture Magazine and she put together a round-up of 9 Farmstead Creameries Where You Can Spend the Night and it was an immediate save. (Culture Magazine)

And on a personal note, on Friday March 24th at around noon, we had to make the devastating decision to put our cat Ron to sleep. His health took a sudden downturn and we were not mentally prepared for this loss. I posted about it on my personal Instagram. Ron meant so much to me, and he even made frequent cameos on the MV Cheesery Instagram page. I’m heartbroken and I thought we had so much more time together.

Deep breaths everyone. Life is hard sometimes but we always pull through.

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Monger Musings 014

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Monger Musings 013

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Monger Musings 012

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Grilled Cheese Night!

Thursday, November 16